Above: first OSL session at the Attenborough Centre for Creative Arts, University of Sussex, 20 June 2015 with students from East Sussex Academy of Music
Below: Brighton Festival, Sunday 6 May 2018, ACCA. OSL and 59 students from Hastings Academy, St Richard's Bexhill, BHASVIC in Brighton and East Sussex Academy of Music in Lewes perform 31 new works written by the students during a series of workshops from January to April 2018. Further details here.
Below: Southover C of E Primary School, Lewes, Friday 29 June 2018. OSL and 60 year 6 students perform their own compositions to 'Autumn' from Cesca Eaton's film: Spider, Cliffs, Goose, Blackberries, Seagulls

SDS Musicians
Date: 16-17th June 2016
Duration: 5:05 min
Video below:
OSL workshop at Dorothy Stringer School, centered around creating and performing music using iPads to a 1903 silent film of Alice in Wonderland
Date: 20th June 2015
Duration: 2:45 min
Videos below:
OSL workshop at the East Sussex Academy of Music, 23 October 2015
New Music Players perform Alice and Voyage to the Moon
Introducing composition methods in Alice in Wonderland
ESAM, 23 Oct 2015
Writing well for ensemble
ESAM, 23 Oct 2015
New Music Players perform Alice in Wonderland
The Warehouse, Waterloo, London 25 Sept 2015
New Music Players perform Voyage to the Moon
The Warehouse, Waterloo, London 25 Sept 2015
Can pitched instruments play percussively?
ESAM, 23 Oct 2015